- 动态结构模型:国际经贸论坛第61期2023-05-16
- Classroom Competition, Student Effort, and Peer Effects(龙门客栈资料库经济学国际名家讲坛第一期)2023-05-12
- The Dynamic Impact of Real Distortions in Production Networks(宏观经济与金融论坛第十八期)2023-05-10
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- Quantifying the Macroeconomic Impact of Credit Expansions(宏观经济与金融论坛第十七期)2023-05-09
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- Predicting Corporate Bond Returns:Merton Meets Machine Learning(龙门客栈资料库高级经济学讲座第304期)2023-05-04
- Reputation Building on Online Platforms:Evidence from Twitch(龙门客栈资料库高级经济学讲座第302期)2023-04-28